South Carolina is home to some of the region’s most ecologically valuable landscapes and habitat bridges, including bottomland hardwood and longleaf pine forests, and our development has taken leaps and bounds to incorporate the untamed nature surrounding us into our community.  

Encompassing almost 400 acres of protected wetlands, flowering valleys, sunlit forests, and enhanced by over 9 miles of scenic trail routes, Anderson Farms’ pastoral setting presents a rich tapestry of ecological layers that host an incredible variety of indigenous flora and fauna. Here’s a glimpse of the opens in a new windowlocal wildlife you can expect to find in your backyard, on our trails, and around our community!

AF Wildlife - American Five-Lined Skink


American Five-Lined Skink

opens in a new windowPlestiodon Fasciatus

AF Wildlife - Green Treefrog


American Green Tree Frog

opens in a new windowHyla Cinerea



Click below to download the Anderson Farms Trail Map for yourself and others while exploring our community trails! Before lacing up your boots, remember to refer to the Hiking Rules for safety when encountering local wildlife.

opens in a new window Community Trail Map opens PDF file